Enter your rut or full name and find out if your lost documents are in our studies.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum.Listen to the 8 stations of Radio Bío Bío with its official application.Enter your rut or full name and find out if your lost documents are in our studies.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum.Listen to the 8 stations of Radio Bío Bío with its official application.Posted by Maria Graciela LopezThe information is from a Press ReleaseThe Municipal Cultural Corporation of Vicuña and the local municipality officially presented the mobile app about Gabriela Mistral and a series of actions that were being carried out since last year in pursuit of the cultural development of the community.Within the framework of an activity at the House of Culture of Vicuña a few weeks ago, the presentation of various milestones of the organization was made.The act was carried out together with authorities such as the mayor of Vicuña, Rafael Vera;the Seremi of cultures, Cedric Steilen;members of the municipal council and members of the cultural, artistic and educational community of the Elquina commune.The actions were possible thanks to financing from the Municipality of Vicuña and the award of competitive funds from the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (MINCAP), which reached an investment of more than 50 million pesos.One of the initiatives is the qualification of the "New multifunctional space for the House of Culture of Vicuña".The project allowed for the remodeling of the main patio with a new universal access floor, suitable for all kinds of artistic presentations.Works and acquisitions financed by the Fondart Regional de Infraestructura for $12,675,363, added to a municipal co-financing of $4,664,198.Another milestone was the presentation of the comprehensive equipment and the extension of the use of the municipal library of Vicuña No. 22, a project financed by the MINCAP Book and Reading Fund in the 2021 call. The proposal aimed to strengthen the operation of space, acquire furniture and technological tools to promote reading and the design and implementation of a cultural mobile app.Project that contemplated a total investment of $18,744,332.A digital implementation that seeks to promote literary and cultural access for all people, for the direct benefit of the inhabitants of Vicuña, the educational communities and those who visit the area.For Roberto Salinas, an Elquino writer, these initiatives are a very important contribution to promoting culture and its different expressions."For a writer, the key will always be the book, but I have no fear, on the contrary, I think that, for children, expanding their possibilities of access to literature, information and culture is something wonderful", commented the writer .The Gabriela Mistral mobile application was launched at the event, a tool that seeks to promote the life and work of the poet born in Vicuña.This was one of the most applauded initiatives, giving a clear signal of how important it is to bring the legacy of the Nobel Prize for Literature closer, taking advantage of the most widely used digital tools today.The free app, which is now available for download on iOS and Android systems, includes audiovisual material, historical information, educational games about Mistral and links to the sites of other institutions of cultural interest, such as the Digital Public Library, the Gabriela Mistral Museum of Vicuna, among others."This is thought of the milestones of Gabriela Mistral, in culture, in a historical document that we can see in a simple app, downloadable on cell phones and that means for education and for those who still do not know this extraordinary woman, they can learn more about her”, mentioned the mayor of Vicuña, Rafael Vera Castillo.The act also took advantage of presenting the renewed image of the House of Culture, corresponding to the restoration of doors and windows of the enclosure, which dates from 1853, the new colors with which the dependencies were painted and the empowerment of 4 public toilets.Posted by by {{ post.author.display_name }}The information is from {{ post.publishers[0].display_name }}Contents licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) except where indicated otherwise.|Based on WordPress System.Developed by Bio Bio Communications 2022 Concepción - Chile